Saturday, September 12, 2015

howwwzattt... as good as it gets...

Having a very late breakfast just now, nothing solid just yet, just coffee. Planned to write something on my adventure/misadventure in Cairo a few months back but I just couldn't access my external hard disk for the photos. I think because of the Window10 upgrade, they gave a free upgrade.

See the picture? Well, mine is very ancient, very bulky if compare to the latest standard. A 500 gigabytes which is nothing to shout about nowadays. Something is wrong with it to say the least and I think I should get something more updated and more robust.

Need to find another pc/laptop should I want to transfer everything. More than 2000 high resolution photos, some 7000 songs, some personal and work related files.

Even my laptop is of the Jurassic era, an Asus N45S Series Intel Core i5 running on Window7 initially before the free upgrade to 10. I think it is 3 years old now and I love the audio by Bang & Olufsen ICEpower.

So, what I'm doing now is writing this piece while streaming The Gambler starred Mark Wahlberg as an English Literature professor teaching Shakespeare and Camus but a compulsive gambler at night.

"Genius is magic, not material..." - Jim Bennett (The Gambler)

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