Wednesday, November 7, 2007

...howwwzattt...don't know what you got...

7th Nov 2007

Just finished 438 pages "The Dogs of War" I’ve started off last evening and finish just about the same time today. It consumed well of my night sleep. The wifey knew it well enough that once her beloved husband started to put himself into something like a book, it’s useless to ask anything from him even coming to bed and that what had happened to me.

I find it is hard for me to stop such a good reading and would go on and on without much realizing how time goes by. And today at work I was just like a zombie with bloodshot eyes finding that even an easy menial task was hard to finish. I know it is not healthy for someone of my age with the kind of occupational hazard I face everyday to further prolongs this kind of nightlife (not the other nightlife). But then again, I’m in my prime…

‘Cry “Havoc” and let slip the dogs of war.’


Anonymous said...

Mirumi allergic baca buku, majalah dan newspaper, tak tahan bau karbon dia, especially yang baru, nanti pening dan boleh tidur sampai pagi. So, kalau newspaper tu kenala baca jauh-jauh, time member tengah membaca, menyelit kat belakang dia tumpang baca sama. Kalau time tengah rajin, cari balik paper ke magazine lama-lama baca. Paling seksa time nak exam la..

Saudagar Mimpi said...

Ada satu term untuk penyakit yg macam tu (kalau boleh panggey penyakitla) tapi saya dah lupa kat mana saya jumpa.