Caning: a beating with a cane as a punishment.
This is what my 11th Edition Concise Oxford English Dictionary tells me.
For these few days’ news about this lady who was supposed to be caned were making headlines in all major newspapers including tabloids. It even made ways in Gutteruncensored.
For the time being, the punishment has been deferred until the end of Ramadan and the event was turned into a political debate by every political party across the nation.
Even the PM advised her to appeal against the punishment so that the government can be seen as a caring government in granting her wish. Another political ploy, no?
I believe this is the second times for her to be booked by the religious officials and by this time it has made her a kind of celebrity of sort.
My theory is, there were another person/persons of a high calibre with her caught along during the raid drinking whatever drinks they drank. Unseen hands were manipulating the issue so in time when everything cools down, everyone involved would carry on drinking, no?
Call it a conspiracy theory or what but do remember, lately anything can happens.
mari merotan peminum beer hahaha
yayayaya mari2... takpa nanti pm sendiri boleh merayu bagi pihak kita hahaha...
carlsberg se
huhhh namer... dasatnyer...
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