Wednesday, March 18, 2009

...howwwzattt... the spaceman saga...

Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Minister Datuk Noh Omar had told Mara to buy the suit “as a symbol of the institution’s success in producing the first Malay spaceman”. Read here, here, here, here, and here.

Waaaa… I don’t know that a minister could simply just open his mouth and ordered MARA to do such thing. For a sum of RM185K, it is sure a pricey move when considering the economic slowdown that we are facing now. If we think rationally, the returns would be minimal.

I don’t know about other MSMs, but the Malay Mail had a field day in reporting the news last Monday, yesterday and even today. Straight to the point I say.

If you can manage to put the first Malay spaceman (read space tourist) into orbit, I don’t find it’s hard for us to get the suit for free since it was all in a package deal. More, the suit was tailored and customized for individual and why the Russian space agency would want to keep it for them. I’m sure the suits are aplenty in their store.

I’ve wrote earlier on this space tourist adventure and still wonder, what ever happens to the experiments they’ve done up there? According to a reliable source, 90 percents of it were destroyed during re-entry. So what's left of it? Some brain at MOSTI better come out with the explanation.

But the real deal was, when the minister involved made it plainly sound so BODOH.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
