Despite the negative quality assessment report, in 2002 KTMB still had gone ahead in purchased of 30 locomotives at a price of nearly RM800 millions (MALAY MAIL 7th May). Well, why setup the assessment team in the first place if you’re not going to adhere to the results? Who gave the green light then? From my opinion, those involved with the ill decision are the one who should be put away behind bars for good for we don’t want the same mismanagement to be happened in the future, don’t you think so?
Travel by train will always be the most memorable experience for me (I mean long distance). For us from the boarding school, each term break we will be given a return train warrant to get to our hometown. As for me it was Taiping – Ipoh – Taiping, though it was a third class warrant still it an enjoyable experience for me.
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